Unveiling the Truth: Most test managers have a blurred test coverage

Understanding test coverage in QA – what is it, why is it important and how to improve it?

August 08, 2023

Brutal Facts of Testing

In the realm of software testing, test coverage is a bright red apple. It plays a pivotal role in ensuring the quality and reliability of a product. It measures the extent to which a software system has been tested and the areas of functionality that have been exercised. However, as a benchmark test managers are unaware of the true extent of their test coverage. So, the red bright apple is poisoned. This revelation raises concerns about the effectiveness of testing practices and the potential risks associated with inadequate coverage. In this blog post, we will look into this issue, explore its implications, and discuss ways to address it.

Before we explore the reasons behind the lack of awareness among test managers regarding their test coverage, let's first understand what test coverage entails.


What is test coverage?

"What are we testing and how much are we testing?"

Test coverage is a crucial measurement of the comprehensiveness of the testing process, revealing the degree to which the software system has been tested. It helps identify areas that have not been adequately tested, allowing testers to focus their efforts and ensure that critical functionalities are thoroughly examined.


Benefits of a transparent test coverage:

Test coverage helps you to put the test results in context. Clear test coverage can confirm (or challenge) your testing strategy. Understanding the use cases that are covered and uncovered helps you to assess risks in these specific areas:

  • Identify gaps in testing. The main benefit of test coverage is that it allows you to identify areas of your application that aren’t covered by current test cases.
  • Assess the quality of existing tests. Having a high number of test cases but large areas of your application untested may indicate that the test cases aren’t well designed to cover the features of the application.
  • Find useless test cases. By analyzing test coverage, you could reveal duplicates and redundant test cases that verify already-tested features and thus represent a multiplied effort in the design, execution and maintenance. Such test cases must be eliminated, making the code lighter and bringing down test run time.


Methodological approach

One of the primary reasons why test managers often remain oblivious to their test coverage is the absence of a methodological approach to tracking and reporting coverage metrics. Many organizations rely on manual processes or outdated tools that do not provide comprehensive visibility into the testing progress. As a result, test managers are left in the dark, unable to gauge the true extent of their coverage.

Moreover, the complexity of modern software systems really intensifies the challenge in a negative sense. With the rise of agile development methodologies and the increasing adoption of microservices architecture, applications have become more complicated to test, although the architecture is actually simpler.  Tracking coverage in such environments becomes a daunting task, demanding a thorough understanding of the system's architecture and dependencies.

Consequences of unclear test coverage

The lack of awareness regarding test coverage carries significant implications and risks for software development projects. Without a clear understanding of the areas that have been adequately tested, there is a higher likelihood of critical defects slipping through the cracks. This can lead to software failures, security vulnerabilities, and compromised user experiences, ultimately damaging the reputation of the organization and incurring costly rework.

Furthermore, unclear test coverage can also impact decision-making processes. Stakeholders may make uninformed judgments about the readiness of the software based on incomplete information. This can result in premature releases or delays, both of which have negative consequences for project timelines and budgets.

How to improve test coverage?

To overcome this prevalent issue and improve test coverage awareness, organizations must adopt robust testing strategies and modern tools. Test management tools with integrated coverage tracking capabilities can provide real-time visibility into the testing progress, enabling test managers to make data-driven decisions and identify gaps in coverage. Automation plays a crucial role in achieving comprehensive coverage, as it allows for faster and more thorough testing of various system components.

Additionally, fostering a culture of collaboration and knowledge sharing among testers and test managers can help address the issue. Regular meetings, reviews, and retrospectives can provide valuable insights into the testing process and help identify areas that require additional attention. Furthermore, organizations should invest in training and upskilling their test managers to enhance their understanding of test coverage and its importance. By equipping them with the necessary knowledge and tools, they can actively monitor and improve coverage throughout the testing lifecycle.


Risk-based testing as a solution

Another effective approach to achieve it is through risk-based testing and focusing testing efforts on areas of the software system that pose higher risks. By identifying and prioritizing potential risks, you can allocate testing resources more effectively and ensure that critical functionalities and potential failure points receive adequate attention.

Ensure good test coverage using risk-based testing with these steps:

Identify risks: Start by conducting a comprehensive risk assessment of the software system. This involves identifying potential risks, such as functional failures, security vulnerabilities, performance bottlenecks, or compliance issues. Engage stakeholders, including developers, testers, and business analysts, to gather insights and identify potential risks.

Prioritize risks: Once risks are identified, prioritize them based on their impact and likelihood of occurrence. Assign a risk level or rating to each identified risk. This step helps determine which areas require more thorough testing and attention.

Define test scenarios: Based on the prioritized risks, define test scenarios that focus on mitigating those risks. Test scenarios should be designed to exercise critical functionality, stress system boundaries, and cover potential failure scenarios.

Test coverage mapping: Map the identified test scenarios to the corresponding requirements or functionalities of the software system. This mapping helps ensure that critical areas of the system are adequately covered by the defined test scenarios.

Adjust test efforts: Allocate testing efforts based on the prioritized risks. Focus more resources and time on high-risk areas, while reducing the intensity of testing for lower-risk areas. This allows for a more efficient use of testing resources while ensuring that critical risks are thoroughly addressed.

Monitor and adapt: Continuously monitor the test execution progress and coverage achieved. Keep track of the identified risks, their mitigation through testing, and any emerging risks during the testing process. Adapt the test coverage strategy accordingly by adjusting test scenarios or allocating additional resources as needed.

Collaborate and iterate: Maintain open communication and collaboration among the testing team, development team, and stakeholders. Regularly review and refine the risk assessment, test scenarios, and coverage strategy based on feedback and lessons learned from previous testing cycles.

By adopting a risk-based testing approach, you can ensure that your testing efforts are focused on critical areas of the software system. This helps optimize test coverage and effectively mitigate potential risks, resulting in improved software quality and reduced chances of failures in production.

In conclusion, test coverage is integral to ensuring software quality, yet a concerning 90% of test managers are unaware of their test coverage. This lack of awareness poses significant risks, including compromised quality, security vulnerabilities, and delayed releases. To address this issue, organizations must embrace modern test management tools, leverage automation, and cultivate a collaborative environment.

By doing so, they can enhance test coverage awareness, improve testing practices and ultimately deliver high-quality software products to their users. Test managers must take proactive steps to track and measure their test coverage accurately, leveraging appropriate tools and methodologies to ensure comprehensive testing coverage.


At Sixsentix, we can help you improve your test coverage and elevate your software testing practices. Contact us for more info!